......I saw this meme over at Patently Queer - go read Cubby's entries - i LOVE these peeks into the people behind the blogs.......... enjoy...........
Name: Damien....
Country: Australia....
Age: 39 - TODAY !!! lol....
How old were you when you first realized you were gay? 11 years old....
Do you have more gay friends or straight friends? Equal amount of both actually....
Biggest turn on? A good smile....
Biggest turn off? Arrogance - NO ONE is better than anyone else....
Ever been harassed due to your orientation? Yes
Have you ever been surprised at the reaction of people who know you are gay? Yes - some people actually had no clue - oy vey....
What is the worst gay stereotype? That we are all feminine guys who are THOSE types of queens you see a lot of in the media.........
Are you a stereotype? A cub stereotype yes - working hard on being a Jewish stereotype - but I don't believe I am a gay stereotype no.......
Ever been to a pride rally? Two
Do you go to gay bars? Yes - but not gay clubs.. I like a good gay pub where there isn't thumping music and stereotypes - go figure..
How old were you when you first told someone you were gay? 17 years old....
Did you plan it? If so, how? Someone asked me.....
What made you choose that person to tell? They asked.....
How did you feel? In control - they were hanging on my every word......
Have you ever been snubbed by someone after coming out to them? Yes.....
Have you come out to your family? Yes.......
Why did you come out at that point? My mother asked...... I said she could inform others...
Are you out at work? Yes - but I am not a one man pride parade - I just be me....
If not, why not?
If you’ve been outed unwillingly, who did it? It was willingly
What does being out mean to you? Just being me..........
What advice would you give someone wanting to come out? Do it when you are ready.. not if others push you to..... you are the one in control - no one else....
If you could do it all again, would you do it any differently? If so, how? Yes - With the most recent exception, I would change the type of man I went after.......
Shalom ...
thanks for sharing this with us Damien :)
Thank you for visiting - and go visits cubby's blog too - great read...
Happy Birthday...and many,many more.
Very good Damien :-)
I forgot to mention.... I filled out this MEME on my blog this morning.
I feel a meme coming on...
The memes are a great way to be introduced to someone you read online, & get to know them a bit better.
It was nice reading your answers.
Oy vey!
Happy B'day...mine's tomorrow!!!
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