Monday, 29 July 2013

Haters Will Hate ... My 2 Cents Worth...

So in response to my recent post in jest re Wonder Woman / Lynda Carter, I received the following two comments from an "Anonymous" visitor to the blog.  How unusual for a hater to hate under the Nome de Plume of Anonymous :-)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If we all like the same things and thought the same way,what a sad place this would be. So, keep your blog!
Sun Jul 28, 08:03:00 AM

To which I so rightly said "BYE!"

To which I received this reply.....

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You are such a sad person. I felt compassion for you but now I realize you just want pity and every one to feel sorry for you. Bye Bye
Mon Jul 29, 08:51:00 AM

Now this person is CLEARLY not a regular to the blog because if you know anything about this blog and its author - c'est moi - you know that when it comes to topics like that I am all piss and wind trying to have a laugh.  Only when discussing the serious topics do I put my rather unique sense of humour to one side.

BTW - if you are going to come to my blog to hate on me PLEASE have the common decency to have the balls to be YOU and not hide your bitter, jaded, tiny minded self behind "anonymous".



Anonymous said...

During my blog's first year I had similar comments from "ANONYMOUS" and I just made it a point to not publish anything from any of those cowards.
If they don't have enough courage to present a face and an e-mail address, I'm not going to provide them with a free podium.


Queer Heaven said...

Oh I totally agree.... I just delete those rude anon comments.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. This is the post on 7/25? It has no comments and only says happy birthday. Was it changed? What am I missing?

As for the comments, you can turn off the Anonymous option. Go into settings and select post/comments then select registered users.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you're well aware that not everyone is going to agree with you 100 percent of the time, and that is fine. However, in a case such as Lynda Carter's birthday, why anyone would click "sad" in your response box is a little ridiculous. If they don't like Ms. Carter, AKA Wonder Woman, then they shouldn't have clicked anything to begin with. Dumbasses. Just my two cents worth. :)

G said...

I get where you are coming from and I agree with you completely. Some people think that they and their opinions and ideas are the centre of the universe. Makes me want to stay on the outskirts.

Anonymous said...

I accept anonymous comments from 1/2 persons, LOVE how you handled this