Thursday, 24 October 2013

Updated ... Bareback Poll Results...

Here are the results of the recent bareback poll ...

So .. if we take this as a representative sample (and I have a pretty broad blog base so I don't think that is too much of a stretch) ... only 35% of gay men are using condoms all the time.  Now this flies in the face of the message of sex educators who say that MOST gay men do not bareback.  Even if we add the 16% who are mostly safe then it only increases to 51%.  Now this is hardly MOST gay men.

Actually, if we look at the numbers above, then safe sex is actually decreasing significantly.  If we take it from the 50/50 mark, a total of  45% of respondents are using condoms only half or less of the time.  65% are choosing to bareback part, half, or all the time.

I don't know what to make of this.

Hopefully someone in the medical field can assist me with this but I don't know exactly how to interpret this.

I certainly look forward to hearing your comments and thoughts.

Shalom and blessings


UPDATE - OK - so it seems I may have asked questions that were too open ended.  So I am going to put some thought into the design of better options - and more options - and then put a new poll up.

Lessons are learnt.


Anonymous said...

I feel the pole might have a flaw. I was one who checked no condom 100% of the time. I have been in a monogamous relationship for 26 years. So no need.


Damien said...

Thanks Jim. I think you are right and I put a poll up that was too narrow.

Giving it some thought.

Anonymous said...

You should also consider separate polls or questions based on HIV status. I'm sure that HIV+ guys are less likely to use condoms (do they serosort?) vs HIV- guys.

Anonymous said...

You should also take into consideration those people who answered that they use condoms 100 percent of the time is not always accurate. Some of them lie. I say this because I have chatted with people who claim to use condoms and then find out later that they don't. Just something to think about....

Anonymous said...

And what about HIV- partner with HIV+ partner?