Thursday, 22 April 2010

........."Anonymous" Replies To My Post re The Canadian Seal Hunt......

"If you knew the scientific reason for the annual seal cull. In simple lament terms think too many seals in the oceans, seal eating and shitting in sea, the shit laden with parasites floating all over, fish eating with shit and parasites, parasites in the fish. parasites leach into the fish flesh. I believe it's called the food chain... Not very appetizing Eh! (did I say Eh! I guess I do)."



"i think it's interesting that you connect with the PETA blunt card, yet you abhor the annual seal hunt in canada. it's okay to be humane only sometimes?


(for the record, I am Canadian but I DON'T support the seal hunt.)"

.....................actually - I do abhor PETA because whilst it may have STARTED about the human treatment of animals, PETA have become an organisation more about celebrities and sensationalism. If it was up to the Directors of PETA - all of whom have been quoted as being FOR eco terrorism and against domestic pets - we would all be vegans who don't live in cities and live a tribal existence dying in our twenties from the common cold.

Yes - they are THAT bizarre.

The Seal Hunt is something completely different - the Seal Hunt is completely unnecessary and barbaric. End of story.

Now if you put the bong down and turn the porn off - go to Wikipedia and do a search on the food chain and how the REAL one works and not the "Im a pissy queen who will try to distort reality" comment that you made in the original post.

You can disagree with me - I think opposing views on a topic can lead to a full and frank multi-layered exploration of a topic.

Your comment, however, was ill-informed, ignorant and bordering on the ridiculous.




Anonymous said...

i think it's interesting that you connect with the PETA blunt card, yet you abhor the annual seal hunt in canada. it's okay to be humane only sometimes?


(for the record, I am Canadian but I DON'T support the seal hunt.)

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing:

While Canada is by far the country with the LARGEST kill quota, the seal hunt also happens in Norway, Russia and even Namibia.

In Canada, it's a centuries old Inuit tradition and as is true with most aboriginal origins, the white man found a way to make some money.

It is a cold comfort that the CDN government rules against killing the youngest of harp seals. I don't agree that the seal hunt is about keeping parasites out of the ecosystem. It would be foolish to presume so.

Personally, I do NOT support the seal hunt. The methods have never changed along with the methods of hunting the seals. It's all about the skull.

I don't support the hunt. I don't support hunting of any kind. I don't even like to go fishing!

What am I saying here?...I don't know...I'm Canadian; I support native traditions, but I don't think that the "white man" has a right to pilfer something for personal gainthat the Inuit have relied upon as necessity.

Damien said...

Kevin - now THAT is a considered and qualified response.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Cheers! Thanks

cb said...

It's painfully obvious just how well-educated Anonymous is from their grammar.

I'd love for someone to club Anonymous-- I could sure use a new humanskin jacket.

Stephen said...

Clubbing baby seals is barbaric, cruel & heartbreaking...anyone who endorses it is capable of even more horrors...& I never hope to have to meet them.

Anonymous said...

Damien, that picture is hilarious! I totally love it!
